Architectural services

We can offer complete architectural drawings in plan, facade and section for most types of buildings, both wood constructions, wall structures and steel buildings.

Below are examples of 3D drawings that can also be created to illustrate how a turnkey building can look like.

Fasadebilde fra fronten Fasadebilde fra siden

Kirkevein 37 Funkishus Fasaden fra baksiden Kirkeveien 37

Fasade ombygging av bolig Televeien 10 Fasade ombygging av bolig Lensmanns Klevs Vei 198E


Prices of architectural services and building materials

For prices on construction applications for new housing of complete homes, as well as for simpler measures such as extras, bodybuilding, interior design etc., request a quote. We also arrive at a non-binding inspection by appointment.

If any questions, or to send us a request, please call +47 90828028 or contact: .